Brand Strategy vs Brand Identity

A digestible guide for the key differences between brand strategy and brand identity.

If you have been thinking about starting your own brand or have already started one, you’ve likely heard the terms “brand strategy” and “brand identity” being tossed around. But, what are they? Are they the same? Do you need them? Let’s break it down.

Key Takeaways:

  • A brand strategy is comprised of the non-visual elements of a brand, like its mission, values, and story.

  • A brand identity is made up of all the visual elements of a brand, such as its logo, colors, and design style.

  • Having a developed brand strategy is key to creating an intelligent and strategic visual identity.

  • If the time and resources are available to you, invest in developing your brand strategy before creating its visual identity.

What is a brand strategy?

A brand strategy is the accumulation of all the non-visual components of a brand that are transformed into objectives for long-term success. Ultimately, a brand strategy determines how the brand will be perceived, where it’s positioned in the marketplace, who it serves, and how it serves. 

While there are many factors to consider when creating a brand strategy, our team primarily focuses on a select few.

Key Elements of a Brand Strategy

  • Brand values

  • Brand vision

  • Mission statement

  • Brand story

  • Target audience

  • Emotional benefits

  • Points of distinction

  • Products/services

All of these points are developed thoroughly with our clients before anything is designed for the brand. Having a solid foundation in your brand strategy is key to developing and designing a strategic and intelligent brand identity, which encompasses all the visual aspects of your brand.

What is a brand identity?

After a brand’s strategy has been developed, a brand identity is then created. A brand’s identity is comprised of all the visual elements people come to know and associate with a brand. 

Brand identities may shift over time, especially if the strategy shifts. Strategic brand identities typically focus on building long-term brand awareness through timeless design. However, some brands capitalize on trends and temporary brand awareness. You see this especially on social media and with social revolutions.

There can be countless elements to a brand’s visual identity, however, there are typically a few that our team focuses on particularly for each client.

Key Elements of a Brand Identity

  • Primary/Master logo

  • Secondary/Alternative logo

  • Logo variations & submarks

  • Color palette

  • Typography (font or font pairing)

  • Photography style

  • Patterns and/or textures

  • Illustrations

  • Icons

These key elements are used across the brand’s breadth of marketing and promotional materials to build cohesiveness. Why is this important? Cohesiveness in a brand not only looks great, but it helps to build brand awareness and trust quickly. People will begin to recognize a brand by these key elements, so they should be used consistently and in conjunction with one another.


A brand’s visual identity is only created once the brand strategy has been developed thoroughly. The primary factors of a brand’s strategy will play out through the brand’s visual identity in unique and strategic ways. While having a logo and color palette is smart to get your brand off the ground quickly, it won’t stand up against the sustainability of having a strategy that forms the foundation of your brand. If you have the time and resources to invest in your brand, start with the strategy, then build out the visual elements.

Brand Strategy versus Brand Identity, an article written by Samantha Suhr of Crystal Bones
Samantha Suhr